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Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Biggest Mistakes That AdSense Publisher Make and How to Avoid Them

Clicking on your own ads isn’t the only bad luck AdSense publishers have run into. There are lots of different ways that you can make a mistake when using AdSense and while some of them Google will be pretty quick to tell you about, others you’ll only feel in your pocket.

Here are some of the biggest mistakes you can make when using AdSense. Be aware of them...and beware of them!

Big Mistake #1: Not Being Familiar With Google's TOS

On the one hand, this is an easy mistake to make. The terms of service change all the time and what’s legal one day could be illegal the next — and you could know nothing about the change.

On the other hand though, if something you’ve been doing is suddenly made illegal you probably shouldn’t be doing it anyway.

The bottom line is to check the TOS regularly and to make a habit of browsing the AdSense forums. Even if you miss a change, it’s unlikely that other people will.

It’s a mistake not to stay informed.

Big Mistake #2: Inviting Others To Click Ads

That clicking your own ads is a mistake is pretty clear. There’s no reason to do it and no excuse for doing it.

That also includes asking other people to click on the ads for you.

For site owners used to asking their users to support their sponsors, this can take some getting used to. Once the ads are up and optimized, there’s nothing more that you can do to persuade people to click.

If you’ve got a line on your website that asks people to support your sponsors or if you’ve been asking people to click on your ads in any sort of way, you’re making a giant mistake.

That’s the sort of mistake that can get you banned.

Big Mistake #3: Using The Wrong Ad Blocks

Those first two mistakes will get you banned. The remaining mistakes will
“only” cost you money.

Choosing the wrong ad blocks is one of the easiest mistakes to make. Almost any block can fit in almost any space but only one block will give you the highest revenues possible.

Use this book as a guide to which blocks suit which locations best and check out the case studies to see how other people are using a similar spot. Even if you’re happy with your results so far, it’s always possible that you could do even better.

Sitting on your laurels with the wrong ad block is certainly a mistake

Big Mistake #4: Using The Wrong Colors

Exactly the same is true of your choice of colors. Forget about looking for some nice contrast or coming up with some snazzy design, you want the colors in your ads to match the colors on your site.

The background color should be the same as the background of your site and the font colors should match too.

Any other color is usually a mistake.

Big Mistake #5: Poor Page Placement

Some places on your page are much more powerful than others. You want to put your ads where your users are going to be looking, not where they’ll make the page look good.

That might be at the beginning of an article, in the sidebar, at the top of the page, next to an image or any one of several dozen other spots.

Don’t be shy about putting your ads front and forward. As long as they’re blended into the site, they won’t be anything like as obtrusive as you think. They’ll be right in front of your users and attractive enough to click.

Big Mistake #6: Not Using AdLink Units
A common mistake that people make when they first start using AdSense is to assume that only the ad units are worth taking.

That’s a big mistake.

Clicks on AdLink units make up a serious part of my AdSense earnings. When used properly, they should be a serious part of your AdSense earnings too. Don’t overlook AdLink units just because they’re small. Put them in the right place and you’ll find that they can be very, very powerful

Big Mistake #7: Not Checking And Analyzing Stats

One of the biggest differences between AdSense publishers who get the big checks and AdSense publishers who earn pennies is that the big earners are addicted to reading their stats — and they understand what they’re reading.

It’s very tempting once you’ve set up your site and put on your ads to just kick back and look at the bottom line. But the other lines tell you what’s working and what you should be doing.

Big Mistake #8: Ignoring Channels

If you’re not sure how to use channels, don’t let it ride. Read the chapter on channels again, build some and play with them.

For some people channels can look a little scary. You have to build them from scratch, you might not be too sure which channels you should create or what you should do with the data the channels should give you.

None of those is a good excuse. Channels are easy to build and they give you heaps of information about the way each of your Web pages is operating that you just couldn’t get anywhere else.

If you’re not using channels, you need to start.

Big Mistake #9: Not Keeping An AdSense Journal

When you were at school and your English teacher told you to keep a journal, you probably groaned, ignored her... and made up a month’s worth of entries the day before you were supposed to bring it in to class.

When you’re trying to make a lot of money with AdSense, keeping a journal is vital. It’s the only way to keep track of your changes and what happened when you implemented those changes.

Every time you use a different ad block, push a different keyword or try a new location on the page, write it down, wait a week and write down the effect. If you’re doing the same thing time and time again because you forgot what happened when you did it last time, you’re wasting your time and your money.

Big Mistake #10: Building Huge Sites Overnight
It’s possible to go from no site to AdSense site in just a few minutes (plus the time it takes to get the confirmation letter). But it will take a little while longer to build the sort of massive site that keeps users coming back and builds a loyal base.

Sure, you can use free books to fill dozens of pages and you can use already prepared content, but neither of these methods are as good as creating a huge site filled with original material.

That takes time.

Rush it and it’s more likely you’ll end up with a lot of trash that kills your clicks and ruins your Smart Pricing than a quality site that makes you money. It’s better to be small and good than big and bad.

Big Mistake #11: Building Throwaway Sites

And if it’s a bad idea to build large trashy sites, it’s a terrible idea to build small, trashy sites.

Check out the AdSense forums long enough and there’s a good chance that you’ll come across plenty of publishers who believe not in creating good quality sites but in building small garbage-y ones and trying to squeeze as much revenue out of them as possible.

The advantage is that you can throw up a lot of them in a small amount of time and for little cost.

The disadvantage is that the returns are small too — and most important, they’re just no fun to do.

I thoroughly enjoy managing every one of the sites I’ve created. It’s because I enjoy them that my users enjoy them. That keeps them coming back and it keeps them clicking. And it keeps me coming back too.

If you’re building throwaway sites just to make a quick buck, you’re working too hard... and that’s a giant mistake.

Big Mistake #12: Doing AdSense Halfway

And finally, this was the big mistake that I made for a long time. It’s also the big mistake that about 95 percent of AdSense publishers are making.

They create their site, put up an AdSense, maybe they’ll optimize it a little
(and maybe not), and then they’ll wait for the checks to come in.

Making a lot of money with AdSense will take a lot of work. It can make you more money than most people will make in most full-time jobs but it’s not the sort of thing you can throw up in a morning and then spend the afternoon shopping for your beach house in Cancun.

You can start earning in the morning. But if you want to make real money, you’re going to have to go all the way.

Anything less is a big mistake.

AdSense trouble - About Ads

Low Ad Relevance

If your ads aren’t relevant, people won’t want to click them. Try Section Targeting to focus Google on the ideas you want to emphasize. (If that works you might want to take things a little further by turning each section into a different page. That will give even more ads and more opportunities to earn).

Alternatively, you can play with the keywords on your page, change the title of each page so that they include a keyword you’re trying to target or include more section titles. All of these options should help to keep your ads on track.

Too Many Public Service Ads

Public service ads are another sign of a keyword problem. You might not be hitting the keywords you want, or it could be that there simply aren’t any ads for the keywords you’re aiming for.

The first thing you need to do is make survey you’ve got something to show instead of public service ads, nice though they are. You can specify an alternate URL to show, use GoogleAdSensePlus or try Google Backfill to make sure that you’re still earning even when the keywords aren’t working.

Your next step though, is going to be to fix the problem. Make sure that Google does have ads for the keyword you’re targeting (you can use one of the preview tools such as googleadspreview.blogspot.com to do this). If nothing comes up, you’ll need to throw different keywords onto your page.

If something does come up — and it’s not what you’re getting — you can just use all of the keyword strategies I mentioned earlier to dump those PSAs.

Too Few Ads In A Unit

Sometimes a four-ad ad unit will only show one or two ads. There’s nothing you can do about this and it’s not really a problem. If you’re getting just one ad, you could be earning by CPM instead of cost-per-click. If you’re getting two ads — as Google likes to serve them sometimes — you just have to hope that they’re doing it because it pays better.

With AdSense, you don’t get to control everything!

AdSense Prohibitions

I do recommend that you read the AdSense Terms and Conditions. I realize that they’re not much fun and they’re hardly a gripping read, but they are important, especially when you start really pushing your ads to their limits. To make it easier for you though, I’ve gone through those terms and pulled out the most important restrictions contained in them.

This list is not a replacement for reading the Terms page — you’re still going to have to do that. They just might make it clearer so that you’re less likely to make a very costly mistake.

* One individual or entity cannot hold more than one AdSense account; all accounts will be closed.
This is important if you have many sites covering different topics and are worried about the effects of Smart Pricing. You might want to open a separate account in a spouse’s name or open more than one business.

* You cannot modify the JavaScript or other code provided in any way.
Google is pretty strict about this. Cut into the code and you risk the axe.

* Web pages cannot contain solely ads, a Search Box or a referral button.
Blank pages with nothing more than AdSense ads are pretty rare; pages which contain only ads of different types are much more common. Google is working against these sorts of things and you’ll probably find yourself if not banned, then almost certainly Smart Priced out.

* Ads cannot appear on pages that are “under construction,” used for registration, chat, contain adult, objectionable or illegal content. And they can’t be used in emails either.
If you have a site that’s in any way morally objectionable, then
AdSense isn’t for you. That’s the bottom line.

More relevant for most people though is the idea that you can’t put AdSense on every page of a website. There are all sorts of pages on many people’s sites that really don’t contain any content, like password pages or error messages. You can’t use them as places to put ads.

* You cannot generate searches, clicks or impressions by any method other than genuine user interest.
So no automatic bots or clicking your own ads or any of that nonsense. That’s just fraud and Google will spot it in a second.

* You cannot display anything on your Web page that could be confused as an AdSense ad.
That’s an interesting rule that prevents people from putting up affiliate links that look like ad units to try to cash in on Google’s brand. In theory, this rule could cause a problem for someone who blended the ads into the page by making link lists that looked similar to ad units. As long as those links aren’t ads though, and as long as you don’t write “Ads by Goooogle” on them, I doubt if Google would have a problem with them.

* You cannot place any other contextualized ads on a page with AdSense.
So it’s either AdSense or YPN, not both.

* If you’re using a Google Search box, you cannot use any other search service on the page.
Again, Google wants a monopoly of services on your site. You can’t offer your users the option of searching through Google or Yahoo; it’s either-or, not both-and.

* You cannot put anything between the AdLink and the ad site.
So if you were thinking of trying to capture your lost traffic by redirecting ad clicks to another of your sites, think again. But who thinks of that?

* You cannot communicate to advertisers directly concerning the ads on your site.
That would have been quite useful. You could have written to an advertiser and suggested ways in which they could make their copy more effective for your users.

Of course, you could also suggest they advertise directly on your site and cut out the Google middleman...

Interestingly though, you can do all of this on your “Advertise on this site” landing page.

* You cannot change the order of the information in an ad unit. This is pretty well covered by the ban on changing the code. But again, it might have been nice to put the ads that are most likely to get the most clicks at the top of the list, even if they pay less. But putting the ones with the highest bid price there though isn’t a bad idea either.

* You cannot reveal your click-through rates or any other information about your site performance.
Which is why I haven’t quoted my own CTR figures in this book. But you can reveal the amount of Google’s gross payments to you, which I have done.

These rules are all pretty straightforward and for the most part, easy to follow. Usually, if someone has been banned from AdSense it’s because they’ve clicked on their own ads and Google didn’t believe that it was an accident. That’s just rotten luck.

AdSense Trouble - Low Click Price

Raising your click price is one of the trickiest challenges in AdSense. Because Google decides how much to charge advertisers for a click on your site, you can only affect their decision indirectly. Again there are a few things that you can do:

1. Target different keywords

Different keywords pay different amounts. It’s possible that your site is bringing up the lowest paying terms in your subject. Browse keyword sites such as Overture.com to see what people are paying for words in your field and try creating a page that focuses on the highest paying term.

If that page brings in good revenues, you’ve got a keyword problem — and that’s easy to fix. If you’re still getting a low click price, you’ve got a low Smart Price rating, and that’s going to take a bit more work to fix.

2. Buy better traffic

Your Smart Price suffers when your users click but don’t buy. One solution is to buy better targeted traffic that’s more likely to be interested in what your ads are offering. For example, you could try working backwards and target your traffic to the ads you’re currently showing.

3. Build better content

Or it could be that people are clicking your ads not because they’re interested in them but because they’re not interested in what’s on the page. Good quality content will deliver high quality clicks from people who are motivated to buy from your advertisers.

There are no shortcuts to building great content. You can try to focus on a topic that genuinely excites rather than building a site just for the money. You could try buying in some professionally written articles by taking a freelancer from eLance, and seeing if that raises your click price. Or you could just take another look at what your best competitors are doing — and do the same.

4. Remove poor-performing ads

Your Smart Price is affected by all the sites in your account. One poor-performing site can bring down your prices across all your sites. If you own lots of different sites and your ads aren’t getting the price you think they deserve, one strategy could be to remove the ads from the sites that you think aren’t doing so well.

Whichever strategy you choose, the goal will be to get more of the users to click on the ads to buy from your advertisers. You should start to see a change in your price within a couple of weeks.

AdSense Trouble - Low Clickthrough Rates

When your clickthrough rates are very low, you’re really in AdSense territory. This is all about getting the right ads in the right places. There are all sorts of possible strategies that you can do and you’re going to have to check each one in turn.

* Are you using the right ad units?

Compare your site to the case studies in this book, to other sites on

the Web, and to the recommendations I make about where to put each of the different kinds of ad units. Those examples and recommendations should be your starting point.

If they don’t work for you though, you’re going to need to do some experimenting. This can take a bit of time, but it’s well worth the effort. Try replacing an ad unit with one of a different size and follow the stats. If they improve, you’re on the right track.

* Are you using the right colors and font size?

This is a very easy one to fix. If the colors of your ads don’t match the colors on your site, change them.

* Are there better places on the page to put your ads?

Even if you’re getting the right ads and they’re well-blended, if no one sees them, no one will click them. Check to make sure your ads are in the most prominent positions. If you think you might do better if they were in different spots, move them and follow the results.

AdSense Trouble - Low Revenue

This is the bottom line of AdSense advertising and if your revenues are low then it couldn’t be clearer that you’re doing something wrong.

Unfortunately, it’s going to take a bit of work to make clear exactly what it is that you’re doing wrong.

If your revenues are much lower than you’d like, there are a number of different possible reasons and you need to check each of the following in turn:

* Your traffic levels. If you don’t have the traffic, you won’t get the revenues. A low level of traffic could be one reason why you’re only making a low level of income.

* Your CTR. Increasing your traffic might not raise your income as much as you want if your clickthrough rate isn’t all it should be. Once you’ve checked your traffic levels, take a look at how much of that traffic you’re converting into clicks.

* Your click price. When the ads change all the time it’s not always easy to figure out how much each click is worth but if you divide your daily income by your daily clicks you can get an idea of how much you’re earning per click. If that figure is hovering around five cents, you’re not making much — and you need to be making more.

You won’t be able to make a move until you’ve figured out which of these potential problems is yours, and it’s likely that your problem will be a mixture of more than one of them.

Your first move then, when you’re not making the money you’d like, is to check each of these possibilities. Your next move is to solve the problem you’ve found.

Understanding Google AdSense

Google AdSense allows webmasters to dynamically serve content relevant advertisements on web pages. If the visitor clicks one of the AdSense ads served to the website, the website owner is credited for the referral. Google's AdSense program essentially allows approved websites to dynamically serve Google's pay-per-click AdWord results.

Website maintenance related to AdSense is very easy and requires very little effort. Webmasters need only to insert a Google generated java script into the web page or website template. Google's spider parses the AdServing website and serves ads that relate to the website's content. Google uses a combination of keyword matching and context analysis to determine what ads should be served. The java script calls the ad from Google and will ensure that ads are served each time a visitor goes to the web page.

Early on Google implemented a filtering system that allowed webmasters to prevent a specific domain's ads from being served on any websites in their account. Ad blocking meant that webmasters could prevent their competitor's ads from being dynamically served on their websites.

Google provides a wide variety of ad formats to match the most suitable option with a website. Webmasters can select from a handful of preformatted towers, inline rectangles, banners and buttons. The ad boxes can be modified by webmasters to resemble the website's color scheme. Examples of how different the various text boxes and color schemes appear on similarly themed sites can be viewed at:

http://www.ring-tone-software.com/ (scroll to the bottom)

http://www.ringtones-central.com/ (scroll to the bottom)


http://www.police-central.com/ (download left side)

http://www.police-supplies.com/ (scroll to the bottom)

Ads can be geo-targeted based on the visitor's location. Advertisements containing content in English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese, or Spanish are all available.


Google recently introduced channels, enhancing AdSense reporting. When a channel is selected Google modifies the java script to include additional tracking. The additional tracking information allows webmasters to track a variety of metrics across their sites. Channels can be used to measure performance on various domains, differences in revenue with various ad sizes, or placement. By assigning each group of pages to a specific channel and comparing results in custom channel reports webmasters can work at increasing their AdSense revenue.


Google determines the content of the ads that are shown, webmasters serious about earning revenue from Google AdSense can use the following guidelines to optimize their website and ensure that targeted and relevant ads are served. If Google's spider has not crawled the site and determined the nature of the content, public service ads may be served. Public service ads will not accrue any AdSense revenue if clicked. As a result Google allows webmasters to designate alternate ads. Alternate ads allow webmasters to utilize the ad space in the event that Google is unable to serve targeted ads to the web page. By specifying an alternate image, HTML page, or ad server the advertising space can always being used effectively.

1.) Web page content on pages that ads are served should be static not dynamic.

2.) Ensure that the robot.txt does not prevent the web page from being spidered. Robots.txt file's will need to be removed or the following text will need to bedded to allow Google's content bot to crawl the site: User-agent: Media partners - Google

3.) If the website contains frames, select the ‘framed page’ checkbox when generating the ad layout code for that website.

4.) The body of the page and title of the page should contain contextual words that indicate a common theme on the web page.

Revenue Earned

Although Google doesn't disclose the exact revenue share or percentage that webmasters will earn, webmasters will receive a portion of the amount paid for clicks on Google ads on websites.

AdSense Conclusion:

Overall, Google AdWords can provide great supplemental income to webmasters with content sites. Implementing and maintaining Google AdSense program on a content site requires very little effort and can often bring a steady stream of additional revenue for webmasters.

The AdSense hint to beat all others

Are you after the number one adsense hint to beat all others? Perhaps you've got a site and you want to make money with adsense. Or you just want to make money with adsense and you've yet to build a site – but, hey, you've heard it's easy money right?

Well first off, let me tell you that it isn't easy money (at least not any more) but don't panic, it's still one of the quickest and most simple ways with which a beginner (or even a veteran) can earn shed loads of cash on the net.

The process really is as simple as putting up a site and pasting your adsense code onto pages of your site. It's the fine tuning of these aspects that will make or break you.

Don't just create a spammy site plastered with ads, if the big G sees this site and thinks it's just a Made for Adsense effort then it's likely to be de-indexed. If on the other hand you can create a quality, professional looking site with some decent content, then you've already got a head start on the thousands of other wannabes who are making a bad job of things.

Once you've got that oh-so-beautiful site up, then you can exchange links with other sites (on the same topic as yours mind you!). These other sites will only be too happy to link back to you because of the sheer quality of your masterpiece. Add your site to a few directories too and you'll have traffic flowing in no time.

Only now should you add your adsense ads, this will avoid anyone thinking that you're in it purely for the adsense clicks. Hey, that's nothing to be ashamed of, but it pays to keep it quiet, at least in the initial stages of building your site.

So what is the number one adsense hint to beat all others? If you haven't worked it out yet, it's merely this… to make sure your adsense site, doesn't look like an adsense site. Focus on building a quality site first of all, implement your adsense ads later and believe me, the money will start flow much sooner and in greater amounts than any other kind of site you've seen. So take my adsense hint and tip and run with it!

How to double AdSense income instantly

As you probably already know, AdSense is revolutionizing the way many infopreneurs are creating revenue from their web site traffic. The reason for this is its simplicity. Through AdSense, revenue is generated when someone simply clicks thru the AdSense ads displayed on the webmasters website.

In this article I want to give you a few simple ways to dramatically increase your AdSense income.

The bottom line:

To increase AdSense income all you must do is increase the number of click thrus you receive.

There are two ways for you to increase your total number of click thrus. You can either increase your website traffic or you can increase your AdSense click thru rate. Now, getting more traffic would be great, but let’s be honest increasing your web site traffic is much easier said than done. So, let’s focus on increasing your AdSense click thru rate instead.

4 Tips to Increase Click Thru:

Match your AdSense to your website:

You want your AdSense ads to appear as seamless as possible. Your goal is to match every aspect of your AdSense ads to the theme of your website. What you want to do is remove the borders from your AdSense ads and match the background color of the ad to your website. Additionally, you want to match the color of the AdSense links to the rest of the links on your website plus choose an ad format that makes the ads look seamless.

For example, if your web site has a white background and the default color of your hypertext links is blue you will want to remove the border from your AdSense, make the background white, choose either a square or a rectangle as your ad format instead of a skyscraper or banner, and yep you guessed it… make the links blue.

Placement Matters:

Where you place your AdSense ads is just as important as how they look. Luckily, there are only a few concepts that you need to worry about in order to increase your click through rate.

•The more white space around your ads the better

•The closer to the top of the page the better

•The closer the left of the page the better

Follow these concepts and I can assure you that you will see an increase in your AdSense click thru rate. (It really is that simply!)

Google Search:

Now this is one that I rarely see webmasters take advantage of. The Google AdSense program gives webmasters the ability to add a Google search box to there web site.

Why should you use this function?

Well, when a website visitor chooses to use this search box from your website your AdSense ID will be imbedded in ALL of that visitors Google searches. If that person does 1 search or 50 your AdSense ID will still be imbedded throughout process.

Why is this so great?

If that visitor clicks on any of the sponsored listings while surfing from your web site guess who makes money. YOU! If they hit the back button and click on another ad guess who makes money? YOU! This is absolutely huge. Through this function you now have the ability to earn multiple click thrus from the same visitor on the site visit. Please don’t overlook how powerful this is. Besides, most of your website traffic will just be browsing anyway, so I why help them find what there looking for and make a little coin along the way?


Just like any other type of marketing, you won’t know what’s working the best for you on your web site unless you track the different things that you’re experimenting with. Set up a few Google AdSense channels for the different ads that you’ll be placing on your website. Then just see which channels are working the best and stick to those.

That’s it!

Follow the tips above and I can assure you that you will absolutely double your AdSense click thru rate and your AdSense income. The best part about the four tips I’ve shared here is that you can put them into action immediately and see how they will work on your website right now. Who knows… you could be making twice as much by tomorrow by just making a few simple tweaks here and there.

Good Luck!

Make money from the affiliate programs

There are many companies or individuals who are promoting their products online. So they offer an affiliate program for website owners. So, if you want to promote their products, you can sign up their affiliate programs completely free. Then you will get a unique affiliate code which include your affiliate ID. You paste the code on your website. When the code get a result from your website, the company or individual who are promoting this product will pay you some money. Usually, you are paid every month when you reach $50 or more. It is really depending on the program.

Generally, there are four type of affiliate programs for you. CPM, CPC, CPL and CPS.

CPM means Cost Per Impression. When you paste the code on your site, the banner are displaying when visitors open your site. Then you will be paid. The money depends on how many unique visitors per 24 hour do you have. You will get $3 or more per 1000 impressions. The price depends on the affiliate program and the traffic where come from.

CPC means Cost Per Click. When a visitor click the advertisement after you paste the code on your website, the affiliate program will pay you. The price of one click depends on the affiliate and where the visitor come from too. Yahoo have launched their Pay per Click in 2005. The price is very good for webmasters. But it is only allowing publishers from US now. Usually, Some programs just as Yahoo and Google, are called PPC programs too.

CPL means Cost Per Lead. For example, someone is running a dating site. He want to get more members and set up an affiliate program. When a member is referred by your affiliate ID, he will pay you some money. So the money you you earn depends on how many leads do you promote from your site. There are many good CPL affiliate programs pay you on time, such as HydraMedia, LinkConnector and so on.

CPS means Cost Per Sale. Just like CPL, when a people sign up for a membership and buy something under your affiliate ID, the advertiser will pay you 10% more or less or an exact amount of money. It will run very good when your websites' content is matching the advertiser's products. For example, if your website is about cell phones, the advertisers who are selling cell phones or doing cell phone services are very good for you.

There are some small skills when selecting which affiliate programs do you want to promote. If your site have many impressions every day, you should select CPM. If your site are professional content based, CPL will be very good for you.

OK. Just find some affiliate programs and select one or more to promote them. Then get paid from them next month. If you want to know more about making money from your web site, just check out the link below. You may find something you are looking for.

How to archieve success with AdSense arbitrage

‘Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.’ Henry Ford

This quote holds true for anything you attempt. It is all about the belief you have in yourself to achieve success.

When speaking about the subject of Adsense arbitrage many a time you will find eyebrows rising. It is looked upon as a ‘black hat’ method of making money as an online business, but this is due to a bad name it got from people who misused the system.

Fortunately this is now behind us to a large extent, thanks to the Google slap down on landing pages.

Adsense arbitrage has now again become a viable business model for a sustained online income, provided of course you know what you are doing and don’t go against the system but work toward the betterment of the system.

Adsense arbitrage is not a new concept or secret idea that has just arisen; it has been around for a while. The concept behind Adsense arbitrage is simple, you buy advertising from adwords or another PPC engine, and you send the traffic to a landing page of your own with Adsense advertising. People click on the Adsense ads and you get paid. Your profit is made up of the difference between what you pay for the click and get paid for the click on your page.

Now although this may seem relatively easy to achieve there are some points you need to consider very carefully before placing your ads and landing pages.

You have to research your keyword and make sure that it will beprofitable. To get an indication if the profitability factor of yourkeyword make use of the Overture bid tool. Type in your keyword and lookat the difference in the bid prices between ad one and ad ten, thehigher the difference in bid prices between the first ad and the last adthe higher your chances of success. This is not a clear indication thatit will be profitable but it is a good indicator of what is going on inthat specific area of the market linked to the keyword. Based on thisinformation you should then research the keyword further.

Your landing page has to be targeted to the visitor who clicked onyour ad. The page has to be optimized for the keyword you chose, elsethe wrong Adsense ads will be displaying on your page.

The content of the landing page should be no less that 300 words andmust be relevant to the keyword and adwords ad you placed.

The Adsense ad placement is of optimal importance to ensure a highclick through rate and successful Adsense arbitrage.Like in any business online and off line there is a risk factor. It is the same with Adsense arbitrage and there are many who have gotten it wrong and gave it up as a bad business idea.

Then of course there are those who persisted and believed in what is possible and now are reaping the rewards of a good monthly income from Adsense arbitrage.

Here I would like to go back to one more quote, and it holds true for every thing you do. ‘Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.’ Henry Ford

He built cars and made it happen, you can make your business happen, it is entirely your choice.

Fool proof steps to catapult your AdSense income

The best ways for Website owners to make money from their website is through Google Adsense. There are so many site owners that are finding it difficult to make some good money from their websites. The irony is that there are some website owners that are earning hundreds of dollars every blessed day from Adsense ads placed on their websites. The difference between these website owners and the rest is that they act differently and they are known to think out of the box.

It has always being said that the best way to do anything in life is to ask those who have been doing that particular thing and learn how they have been doing it. Some of these BIG money makers in the Adsense game are willing to divulge their secrets to earning big from Google Adsense. Some of the tips they offered have helped in increasing the earnings of a lot of people that have applied these tips to their Adsense business.

Below are 5 proven secrets to improving your Adsense income.

1. Learn to concentrate on a format of Adsense ad. The format that worked best for so many is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This format has the likelihood of resulting in higher Click Through Ratio (CTR). Why is it advisable for you to choose this format out of the numerous formats available? This is because the ads on this format, will look like a normal link on your web pages and since your website visitors are used to clicking on these links, they will be attracted to click on your ads. Your website visitors may or may not know they are clicking on your Google ads, but what ever the case may be, you are the winner!

2. Let the Adsense ads match the look of your website. If you have a website with a white background, let white be the color of your ad border and background. This is to make the ads look like they are part of your web pages. As said earlier, this will get you more clicks from your website visitors..

3. Let the Ads be at the top of your web pages and not at the bottom. If they happen to be at the bottom, it is as if you are hiding the ads. Instead of hiding them at the bottom of the page, let them be in the place where people will see them as soon as they enter the page. You will be surprised at the difference this will make in your earnings.

4. Put your ads on pages that get maximum numbers of view. If you think some sites get more page views than the others, let your ads be on these pages! This is one proven method of increasing your Adsense earning. The more the page view, the more the likelihood for a click to be generated on your ads.

5. You should automate the insertion of your Adsense code into your web pages using SSI (or server side included). Enquire from your web administrator if your server supports SSI or not. How do you achieve this purpose? Save your Adsense code in a text file, you can save it as "Adsense.txt", and upload it to the root directory of your web server. After uploading the file, you can then use SSI to call up the file on all of your web pages. This will save you a lot of time, especially if you use automatic page generators to create pages on your website.

Well, you now have in your hand the secrets that have generated so much money for hundreds of people who are making use of the Adsense business model. These tips can help you achieve a lot if only you are willing to make use of them.

If others have done it, there is nothing wrong trying it out for yourself.

This is to your Adsense Success,

Best AdSense template format - The Secret

Most webmasters building adsense sites often ask what is the best adsense template format? Well, this article attempts to revealed the ‘secret’ of the best adsense template format.

The best adsense template format should be simple. Forget about what these adsense gurus told you. In almost any niche you build your adsense sites, simple sites or blogs are the best.

Here’s how a simple adsense site should look like. The top part should have an header or a title, either one will do fine. Then right under the heading, insert an adlink. The important is to make sure the background color of the adlinks is the same color as your webpage.

I use a two column design for my adsense websites. Particularly, the left side is larger than the right. The left hand is about 500 pixels wide and the right about 150 pixels.

The left hand holds the content while the right side contains the navigation links.

Usually, I will place a 336x280 block right at the top of left hand side after which the content follows. The right hand will contain the navigation links. Note that my navigation links are very simple, usually just the home page link and the articles links pages.

I will also insert a 120x160 adsense block below the navigation links.

A couple of tips here, do not use too much graphics. Usually one header graphic should be enough. I also keep my navigation links short and as few as possible. I only use 2 colors for my adsense template.

Adsense Site template that makes Google give you high PageRank

A lot of people put up Adsense site templates, and after a month or two they realised that their sites were nailed by Google!

Of course this will happen unless you do the following...

I ask you a question? Why do people buy ready-made Adsense site templates? What a stupid question right? People want to churn out Adsense sites fast with Adsense site templates. If you are one of them, you have a problem when you use those junk Adsense site templates!

Adsense site template is only junk if the html code is full of errors and those errors are then amplified by the number of people using them across the globe. You have become part of the problem, because you try to feed Google bots with so called "unhealthy food". Obviously Google is not going to be happy. What makes matter worse is that you are using rehashed content all over!

Thus three things you must know when you buy Adsense site templates.

1) W3C Validated Templates

Your adsense site template must be validated by W3C. W3C is the World Wide Web Consortium who develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) in order to lead the Web to its full potential. They check if your template is free of html errors. When you templates are 100% clean, meaning the Google bots will spider you quicker, deeper and wider. You are then considered validated!

2) Header Graphics

When people talk about beautiful Adsense site template and headers, they actually mean the visual appeal of the site that will get your visitors glued to your site and stay a little longer in order to click on your ads! If at the first instant itself they find the site visually unappealing, they might just hit the "back" button right away. And you lose money! The situation gets only worse if you do not even have good quality content on your site! Remember, the visitors have a very short attention time span. And you've got to grab a visitor's attention before he/she gets disinterested if you want to convert that visitor to a client. So, beautiful Adsense site templates are NOT for the spiders! Instead, the html codes of the Adsense site templates are for the spiders. It's as simple as that!

By understanding this, you have to test with different header graphics or even without header graphics because different niche reacts to header graphics differently.

3) Layout of the Adsense site templates.

When you buy Adsense site template, you have to be presented with different structure of layout. The position of the ads have to be different too. By having such variation, you will be able to use any of the Adsense site template by just swamping the header graphics.

I have told you the three most important factors that can make or break your Adsense earning. Take note of this and be successful with your Adsense site template.

Adsense Explained - How to make money with AdSense

Through AdSense, you allow Google to display ads on your site or blog. You've probably come across many pages with blocks of ads with the text 'Ads from Google' next to them. Technically, AdSense works so you put a small piece of scripting code on your page and with this, ads from Google are shown automatically.

You make money when someone clicks on these online ads. Google will not tell you how much they will pay you before you sign up – they encourage you to join and then you'll see what you'll make as the revenue starts building. The reason is that they give you a percentage of the revenue they generate for the click on an ad. And the value of such a click varies with the content of the page, since Google displays ads on a webpage matching its content. A webpage about traveling is thus likely to display ads for airplane tickets, hotels, travel insurance and similar. Having ads related to the topic of the webpage is a way of making it more likely that a visitor will click on an ad. And since Google makes money per click on ads, they are keen on making as many visitors as possible click. The amount of visitors who click on an ad, divided by the number of visitors seeing it, is known as the click through rate or CTR.

If you already have a website or blog and wish to place AdSense ads on it, Google will match ads to the content already there. This means you have less influence over the theme of the ads and thereby the revenue they generate for Google and for you. If however you create a new website or blog with the purpose of making money online, you have a choice of theme for the content you produce. If you produce content for which advertisers pay a high price for clicks on ads, you will obviously generate good revenue for yourself.

Google finds its advertisers through their AdWords product. This works, so advertisers sign up and make bids for certain keywords. The advertisers with the highest bid for a certain keyword will have their ads shown first on pages where Google has matched the content to the keyword. This means that the clicks will pay well on ads on pages with content related to keywords with high bids. To determine which keywords pay well you can use Google's keyword tool, found via the links below.

There are many – and sometimes contradictory – pieces of advice for placing ads on pages in order to achieve a high click through rate. You can decide what size of ad block you want and also decide about colors of text and background. This means that you can create big ads with loud colors in order to make sure that visitors see the ads. You can also do the opposite, which is to try to blend the ads into your webpage, by giving them the same font size, and font and background color as the rest of the page. Finally, you can place graphics around the ads in order to liven up the sometimes dull text ads Google provides. Google will not display more than three ad units on a given page – bear this in mind when designing a page. Trial and error seems to be the best way to optimize the appearance of ads.

Signing up to the program is completely free and quite simple. Putting the scripting code on a page is similarly very simple – you simple copy and paste the code provided by Google. Follow the links below to sign up for Google AdSense.

Note that Yahoo!, MSN and others offer similar programs and you can check them out too, to find out what generates the most revenue for you.

Last a few warnings. You may think that you can sign up and spend your day sitting at home clicking the ads on your site to generate revenue. This would however constitute what is commonly known as click fraud. When you sign up for AdSense you have to agree that you will not click on your own ads. You also have to agree that you will not encourage your visitors to click by including text like "please click the ads below" or "visit our sponsors". While a lot of people certainly try to cheat – and some get away with it – you should know that Google do what they can to detect cheating and will kick anyone off the program who they find to be breaking the rules.

Visit our resources page for links to sign up for Google's AdSense and for Google's keyword tool.

A dead small secret that improve AdSense revenue 65% overnight

Certain small changes in your adsense campaigns can shootup revenue almost overnight. Most people don’t know this. If you already get a lot traffic on your site and you get a sizeable click number, then this little tip is the next stage of implementation.

If you know anything about adwords, you know the same principle applies to adsense. Here’s how adword works. In adwords, the key element is determined by your keywords. Now, certain keywords are expensive to operate. For instance, keywords in the internet marketing and weight loss niche. The more competitive the niche is, the more the cost for operating successful adword campaigns. Lets assume you need $5 to operate successfully in those two niches. In like manner, there are niches that are very cheap to operate. With $0.05, you can get to the top of the advert listing.

Now, let’s return to adsense. Since the ads displayed on your site are determined by the adwords, it therefore means a "reverse engineering" should bring more revenue. Instead of targeting niches and keywords that deliver $0.05 worth of ads, you simply target those with high costs.

A very simple way to determine what keywords will be high paying will be to go to http://inventory.overture.com and do a search on the selected keywords. Using this easy to use keyword tool, you will be able to know at a glance search rates for those keywords and thus estimate its competitiveness and niche size. The higher, the better and the more will be paid per click.

It is simple to do. Find high paying keywords, then go out and look for articles online that are relevant to those keywords. Once you find them, post them on your blog or site alongside you adsense and see what happens next.

A dead simple way to increase your AdSense earnings

Do you know sometimes very small changes to your website can make a high impact on your adsense earnings? If you got a lot of clicks yet you only earn a small amount for each click, you can try to implement this strategy of mine.

This simple strategy is simply changing your webpage to target high paying adsense ads. Unless your website is in a niche where there aren’t many adsense ads, it should work for you.

First, you need to understand the connection between adsense and adwords. Adwords is where advertisers pay to put their advertisements on google and some will include it on the content network which is where you the adsense publisher comes in.

Google provides data to the advertisers to help them better their return on investment. Data such as estimated cost per click on each keyword, search volume, competitiveness etc is available to advertisers.

By reverse engineering, you can get this data as well. You can go to https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal and simply enter your keyword and you can get the estimated cost per click for all related keywords.

Now that you know which keywords pays more, you can either change your existing webpages to include these keywords to trigger these advertisements or create new webpages targeting these keywords. You can even use the google adwords keyword tool to find even more keywords relating to your website.

One more tip, before implementing these high paying adsense keywords, you might want to run through your keyword tool to determine the competition. Some high paying keywords can be also very competitive and ideally, you want high paying adsense keywords that are not too competitive.

Discover the best membership site that allows everyday people tomake a full time living from adsense with the full suite of content,traffic and tools available. Click here to find out more.

$1 million in Google AdSense earnings

They are calling him the million dollar man. Jason Calacanis recently revealed in his blog that he is on track to earn a million dollars from AdSense over the year ahead.

And if that number doesn’t wake you up and have you sitting on the edge of your seat, consider for a moment that he reached this level in less than a year. His company only started using AdSense in September 2004.

Calacanis runs Weblogs Inc., a network dedicated to creating trade weblogs across niche industries. And he’s quickly proven that AdSense is a credible advertising partner.

As their network has grown, so has their AdSense revenue. In January 2005 they earned an average of $580 per day. In March it was $737. In May it was $1,585. One day in July, just before he made the blog entry referred to above, they earned $2,335. Remember that is just for one day. If they can take that daily average to $2,740 they’ll be earning a rate of $1 million for a year. And Calacanis predicts that reaching daily earnings of $3,000 or even $5,000 is quite achievable.

That’s quite an achievement. Keep in mind that Calacanis has 103 bloggers on the payroll and nine staffers. Even so, many webmasters would give an arm or a leg to have even a third of that.

Google’s AdSense has been revolutionary. It has become firmly established as the darling of the online advertising industry. Although rumors are heard of major competitors launching a similar service, AdSense’s premier position seems secure for now.

In essence, AdSense has made it possible for almost anyone with a web site or blog to earn some revenue from advertising, without having to employ sales people or spend precious time searching for advertisers.

AdSense works like this. Webmasters sign up for an account in just a few minutes. They receive a small snippet of code to include on their web pages. Google will then automatically serve advertisements that are relevant to the content on the webmaster's pages. When someone visits the webmaster's site and clicks on one of Google's AdSense advertisements, the webmaster earns a fee. Advertisers can pay anywhere from five cents to a hundred dollars per click, and the webmaster receives a percentage of that fee.

Many webmasters are content with earning five to ten dollars from AdSense to cover the cost of web hosting. But many, unsurprising, have higher ambitions. At a popular WebmasterWorld forum, participants share tips and encouragement on reaching a goal of $300 per day from AdSense. So it is no wonder that Calacanis created quite a buzz when he made his million dollar blog entry.

Google have proven once again that they excel at designing innovative Internet services. If you are in the web industry and have not yet used AdSense, then perhaps you should try it out. Or if you are already using it, perhaps Calacanis’ impressive results will encourage you to track the performance of your AdSense units more closely, fine tune their positions and formats, and take your earnings to a new level.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Google AdSense Glossary

The online advertising world uses all sorts of jargon to describe different bits of the process. If you’re confused by a term, you should be able to find your answer here.

3-Way Matching — A method of blending ads into a Web page by matching the ad’s background color, font color and font size with the surround page content.

AdSense Code — The instructions to display ads on a Web page are contained within a piece of HTML code that is copied from Google’s AdSense site. The code must be pasted onto each page on which you wish to display an ad.

Ad Rank — The order in which the ads appear in an ad unit is determined by Google. The ads at the top of the list should give you the most money based on cost-per-click and clickthrough rate.

Ad Unit — A group of ads displayed together as a set. You can display up to three ad units on one page, in addition to a search box and referral buttons.

Alternate Ads — Pre-determined ads that are served in place of public service ads when Google is unable to find contextual ads.

Channel — A method of tracking results across pages, sites, domains or any criteria set by a publisher.

Click — A click by a user on an ad. In stats reports, the clicks column may include invalid clicks but not clicks on public service ads.

Clickthrough Rate (CTR) — The number of clicks an ad receives divided by the number of impressions the ad receives. The higher your CTR, the better.

Contextual Advertising — Ads that are related to the content of the Web page on which they appear (as opposed to traditional banner ads that are served regardless of the content of the page).

Cost-Per-Click (CPC) — The amount an advertiser pays for each click his/her ad receives. AdSense uses a range of different types of Cost-Per- Click:

Maximum Cost-Per-Click — The maximum amount an advertiser is prepared to pay for each click.

Actual Cost-Per-Click — The amount an advertiser is charged for each click. The rate will vary according to the Smart Pricing rate of your site and the bidding price of competitors. Google always tries to charge advertisers the lowest rate possible.

Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions (CPM) — The amount an advertiser pays each time his/her ad is displayed. Like CPC, AdSense refers to different types of CPM:

Maximum Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions — The maximum amount an advertiser is charged for an impression.

Actual Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions — The amount an advertiser is charged for each impression. In general, this will be one cent more than the price required to keep the ad in its position on the page.

Effective Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions (eCPM)— The cost of

1,000 ad impressions. Used by publishers to compare income rates across channels (and advertising programs). To calculate your eCPM, simply divide earnings by impressions (so $200 earned from 50,000 impressions would yield an eCPM of $4.00).

Filters — Used by publishers to block specific ads or groups of ads.

Google AdWords — Google’s advertising program. Advertisers submit their ads to Google, specifying their maximum CPC and total advertising budget. The ads are distributed across AdSense publishers.

Impression — A single display of an ad somewhere on Google’s ad network. Page Impression — A single display of an ad on a publisher’s Web page. Pay-Per-Click — Often used interchangeable with Cost-Per-Click. Refers to a method of online advertising in which advertisers pay only when action is taken by the user and not only when an ad is served (CPM).

Public Service Ads (PSA) — Ads for non-profit organization that are served on Web pages when Google is unable to find relevant ads or cannot read the content on a Web page. Publishers are not paid for displaying public service ads.

Publisher — A member of AdSense whose sites display the AdSense code and Google’s ads.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) — A process of raising a site’s rankings in the various search engines. This usually involves creating links from other sites, targeting keywords and building traffic.

Site Targeting — A strategy used by advertisers to choose on which sites they would like their ads to run.

Section Targeting — Lines of code used to focus Google’s robots on specific, keyword-rich areas of a Web page.

Smart Pricing — A system used by Google to determine the value of the traffic sent by your site to advertisers and to price your ads accordingly. Sites that deliver high conversion rates to advertisers earn more than sites with low conversion rates.

Google AdSense Channel

Google Adsense provides you with several tools to better track your Adsense performance.

There are two types of Adsense channels that you can use, and thereby gather valuable information on your Adsense progress.

The first type of Adsense channel is Adsense web channels.

This channel type is very simple to activate, and doesn't require you to change your adsense codes in any way. From within your Adsense publishers area, select channels in the navigation and browse down to the area labelled web channels.

If you enter the following in the input field :

yourdomain.com - then all Adsense ads across your website is tracked including sub domains.

yourdomain.com/links.html - this tracks all Adsense ads served from your links page.

sports.yourdomain.com - this tracks Adsense ads that are served from your sports sub domain.

sports.yourdomain.com/basket - this tracks Adsense ads that are served from a specific folder under your sub domain.

sports.yourdomain.com/basketleague.html - this tracks Adsense ads that are served from the specific page under your sub domain.

You can create a total of 200 different Adsense web channels to track your Adsense performance.

The second type of Adsense channel is Adsense user defined channels

You can use this type of channels to track specific sections of your website, or even to track the performance of different Adsense ad types.

It can also be used to track overall performance on your websites, if you are serving Adsense ads on more than one website.

Google AdSense AdLink

Google Adsense Adlinks

Google's Adsense Adlinks is the latest advertising option available to Adsense publishers. This new type of Adsense advertising, is very different from the normal and well known Adsense ad formats.

The main differences are

Contains 4-5 overall content links. Directs the clicker to a new page, that holds a selection of Google Adsense ads related to the link clicked. Any link clicked on the new page, counts towards your Adsense earnings. Available in 120x90, 160x90, 180x90 and 200x90 formats.

Small and non intrusive. Can be added on the same page with 1 regular ad and 1 search field. The new Adsense Adlinks ad type can be customised to fit your site in the very same way that you do with the "old" Adsense ads.

It is recommended to create a specific tracker for this Adsense type, so that you can track the performance on your pages.It is still a bit to early to give any clear statements about the success of Google's new Adsense Adlinks. As soon as more accurate statistical information is available, we will update this page with our experiences.

Google AdSense Code

It is very easy to prepare your website and website pages to start serving Google Adsense ads. All you have to do is paste a code similar to the one below into your webpage's. This can be done with any text editor program, or wysiwyg editors like Dream weaver or FrontPage.
Simply enter the code where you want it to appear on your webpage, and you are ready to go. Let's try and go over the code - you can actually change your Google Adsense ad appearance here and more..

google_ad_client = "pub-xxxxxxxxxxxx";

The first line of code holds your unique Google Adsense publisher identification - don't change this!

google_alternate_color = "ffffff";

The second line is used if Google cant find Adsense ads that are relevant to your page content. If you don't define this colour, Google will instead server Public Adsense ads, that unfortunately doesn't generate income for you when clicked on.

google_ad_width = 160;
google_ad_height = 600;
google_ad_format = "160x600_as"

Line 3-5 determines what type of Google Adsense ads you want to serve on your webpage's. In this example we are serving the "Skyscraper" format seen to the right on your screen. It has a width of 160 pixels, and a height of 600 pixels - so you want to make sure that there is room for this on your page.

google_ad_channel ="xxxxxxxx";

The sixth line is used for defining what ad channel these Google Adsense ads belong to. The code is generated by Google from within your Google Adsense members area, so don't change this.

google_ad_type = "text_image";

The seventh line determines what type of content Google should serve in your Google Adsense ads. There are 3 variations possible:
1. "text_image" this serves a mixture of both text and graphical Google Adsense ads. This is the standard setting.
2. "text" this server only text Google Adsense ads.
3. "image" this serves only graphical advertisements in your Google Adsense ads.

google_color_border = "FFFFFF";
google_color_bg = "FFFFFF";
google_color_link = "000000";
google_color_url = "666666";
google_color_text = "333333";

These lines determines the exact colours used when displaying Google Adsense ads on your website. You can change these colours directly, and instantly see the updated version of your Google Adsense ads on your website. The colour codes used are binary colours, meaning that white is "FFFFFF", black is "000000" etc.
The only drawback of using the Google Adsense code, is that you will manually have to enter it on every page of your website. This means that if you change your design, or are trying to optimize your Google Adsense income - it requires work!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Testing BlogJet

I have installed an interesting application - BlogJet. It's a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here: http://blogjet.com

"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination." -- Albert Einstein